Official Taekwondo Hall Of Fame am 23.8.2024 in München

Die etablierte und verbandsübergreifende „Official Taekwondo Hall Of Fame“ fand auf Einladung der ITF Germany erstmals in Deutschland (München) statt.
Der Europarepräsentant Andreas Granzow ermöglichte so, Bewerbern aus Deutschland eine Teilnahme (bei der letzten Hall of Fame in New York waren auch schon einige Deutsche nominiert).
Die feierliche Aufnahme in den ausgesuchten Kreis der Geehrten fand im Holiday Inn München im festlichen Rahmen statt.
Die ITF Germany nutzte den schönen Rahemen der Hall of Fame, um hohen Danträgern des Verbandes Graduierungen zu überreichen.
Björn Wolle, der die Organisation des Events in Deutschland in der Hand hatte, fand nach der Eröffnungsrede von Andreas Granzow gut gewählte Worte über Taekwondo in der Welt und in Deutschland. Diese gelungene Rede möchten wir hier noch mal präsentieren.

Dear distinguished Honorees,
Dear Grandmasters, Masters, Champions, Taekwon-Dopioneers, Dear Guests.

It gives me great pride to welcome all of you to the Official Taekwondo Hall of Fame ceremony 2024 here in Munich.
For the first time in the history of Taekwondo, the official Taekwondo Hall of Fame ceremony takes place in Germany.
And in Germany, the history of Taekwon-Do dates back as early as 1965.
In that year, General Choi, as Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, was on a goodwill mission to Italy, Turkey, United-Arab Republic, Malaysia, Singapore, and to West Germany.
In these countries, for the first time, he promoted Taekwon-Do as Korean martial art based on the scientific use of the body.
This was the basis for establishing Taekwon-Do Associations in these Countries.
Since then, Taekwon-Do spread all over the world, influencing and attracting people regardless of race, religion and political boundaries.
Taekwon-Do has influenced other martial arts, martial sports, and also keep fit sports in an outstanding way – like no other martial art before.

And it opens the world. It builds bridges. It connects people.
We know that Taekwon-Do is much more than a martial art.
It is more than just a self-defense.
It is more than a martial sport.
It is a way of thinking, living, curtesy and conduct.

It comes along with great spirit. Taekwon-Do lives and it evolves.
This all together makes Taekwon-Do a truly outstanding martial art.
We all do carry Taekwon-Do in our hearts. We bring it to our students. We teach it in our dojangs.
We all represent the spirit of Taekwon-Do all across the world. We feel Taekwon-Do.
It is sad to see that our world has become less peaceful. People all over the world are looking for consideration, understanding, and peace to be able to live their lives, and have a future.
Today, it is more important than ever, that we share our experiences, our ideals, our spirit, our way of life.
The Official Taekwondo Hall of Fame is a great platform for that as it is a non-political organization connecting all systems and all Taekwondo federations worldwide.
Therefore, it is important that we are here to attend our Official Taekwondo Hall of Fame ceremony.

Let us continue to be champions of freedom and justice.
Let us continue to build a more peaceful world.
But tonight, let us celebrate.

Thank you for being here and making this happen.

München, 23.8.2024
Björn Wolle

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